Friday, March 8, 2019

Digital Artwork by Participants in My iPad Workshop

I wanted all the workshop participants to send me JPGs of their iPad artwork, and a few have done so. I'm very impressed with their first tries. It was such an enjoyable workshop for me, and I really loved how the whole class collaborated, supported each other, and shared their knowledge.

Ruth Merkle experimented with some techniques I didn't cover, and she came up with some beauties, starting with this this lovely, ethereal, nonobjective creation:

Then she digitally painted over a newspaper article, which resulted in partially obscured words, which is very "in" now in contemporary art, and created this original piece:

Finally she sent a moody, surreal digital collage plus digital painting: 

She said she was "just playing," but I say "Well done, Ruth!"

Eileen Clary created this gorgeous digital collage, from a photo and parts of her watercolor paintings:

Jan McKinnon made this beautiful, surreal, moody scene, a digital collage from photos and parts of her watercolor paintings, I believe:

Kathleen Prebble tried something quite different for her, and she digitally painted this vivid, expressive nonobjective artwork:

Mimi Spencer digitally collaged in parts of her analog paintings and then digitally painted too, to create a lovely, evocative, somewhat abstract portrayal of birds:

Nancy Minear digitally combined parts of previous analog paintings and also digitally painted various elements, and made this charming, touching, beautiful work:

Stan Wolf created this evocative painting with his finger, blending colors for an ethereal feel:

Stan had a painting that he had done with too large figures in the distance, shown on the left below. He removed them and put smaller ones in the distance, shown on the right below. He did a great job of "fixing" an old painting. 

Finally, Carrol Wolf created the following four exuberant, gestural collages and drawings, using only her fingers:

Well done, everyone! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with so many talented artists, as we try to move into the future and create art with the technological "advances" now available to us. I was truly inspired to keep trying new things, to keep playing, to enjoy all these gifts.

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