Monday, January 25, 2021

Another Painting Metamorphosis

 Took a painting from 2020 that I never liked much and cut it into thirds. Began painting on one of the pieces, intending to make three totally different paintings out of them. As I blithely painted and collaged, it occurred to me to make a triptych, something I've never done. So on with the painting and collaging for hours, and then I got stuck on how to arrange the resulting creations. I need help! Which of these four possible arrangements would make the most effective piece of art???

I started with an arrangement that closely resembled the original piece, only with more stuff on it:

Red Head Guitarist 1

That seemed a little dull, so I offset one of the pieces:

Red Head Guitarist 2

Still playing around with them, I tried this: 

Red Head Guitarist 3

And then I got carried away:

Red Head Guitarist 4



  1. I like the first one! Also the last one. But maybe with the head/ hand/guitar in that order. The embellishments are great!
    It’s all good. Thanks for sharing

  2. I like this! I like the original piece, and of the other alternatives, I think I prefer #3?. I love your colors and the overall feeling, Judy.

  3. Judy, I love your artistry: the colors, patterns are so creative, colorful and lively. You'll get blue ribbons galore. Jane Ice
